Sunday, November 26, 2006

Winding down .....

My penultimate walk for the Derbyshire Dales Group of the Ramblers looked as though it would be a non-starter with so much rain early in the morning. Secretly I was hoping there would be no one there at the start so then I could go and do some other 'stuff'. As I travelled to the starting point at Hurdlow Station on the High Peak Trail the weather improved and lo and behold there were six other walkers waiting for me.

And what a delightful walk it proved to be and they were lovely company. Here from left to right are Mary, Annie, Peter, Irene, Petra and Frank. I don't think I could have chosen a nicer mix of walkers to have with me.

I did the same walk as I followed last Sunday but this time it was more enjoyable probably because I was not so introspected this time .... They really seemed to enjoy it too. So for anyone who might be interested we left the Trail and walked across the fields to the Bull i' th' Thorn, that ancient roadside inn on the A515 ~ which is worth a visit. Then along the Hutmoor Butts track past the emus and alpacas behind the pub.

Turning left we headed for Flagg, just kissing it before heading back along field paths to reach the A515 again though this time we came out beside the Duke of York. I wonder if it's just coincidence that these paths seem to come out on these roads near the pub ?

We then crossed the High Peak Trail to reach Hurdlow Town which comprises just three properties. Still, there is said to have been a village here in time gone by. After scrambling over a poor stile which needs improving we reached the Trail again and headed back to our cars.

Oh and the sun came out.


Les, said...

Hi Charlie - Les Singleton here. I've been writing blogs on my walking for ages now. Mainly, they are about Deryshire, as I live in Bakewell, but they go back to other places in the other blogs (France, LDP's etc). If you want to look at my current one, it's at There are links to my other blogs on there too. I'm enjoying trawling through yours, but you're right, you MUST get into the habit of posting more! Good walking.

Unknown said...

Nice to hear from you Les ... I'm just catching up on my blacklog.

I will endeavour to write more soon ... and I will be alongto have a look at yours too.