Sunday, February 05, 2006

From White Lodge Picnic Site to Sheldon - and back.

Sunday, 5th February 2006 : a grey day with some high level fog and no sun.

We walked from White Lodge up Deep Dale and we couldn't help but notice that the bridleway has got muddier this last few years. The stream was in water so that may have something to do with it.

There are quite a few posts in the dale courtesy of Plantlife which tell you a bit about the history of the place and the flowers you can expect to see. It also tells you that there is such an organisation as Plantlife. This is their only site in Derbyshire [and we'll be working there a week today with them].

We missed the stile on the left at the top of the dale leading to Sheldon but backtracked and found it ok - not paying enough attention to the map.

Across the fields we went seeing our first walkers since the car park. Sheldon itself was quite - the main sign of life was in the Cock & Pullet - a nice pub if you get the chance to visit it.

Then we went down into the wood where we found a few flowers at the bottom of a tree which seems to be a memorial of some type. I will try and post the picture in a few days after finding out something about it, if I can. The tree stands near to the entrance to a cave so I suppose it could be in memory of someone who died underground.

A coffee stop in the wood and then we followed the main path back to the start. We met quite a few more walkers and at least four of them had walks books which they were following.


MaryB said...

Charlie, I know my comments to your posts always read the same, but here's another "ditto." I love the virtual walks you guide me through! Keep 'em coming.

Unknown said...

Nice to hear from you Mary - even if it's only you that's reading 'em then it's worthwhile.

apprentice said...

Like this shot very much, it would be fab in b&w too.

Unknown said...

That's interesting - that you like this one. There are some 'better' ones in my opinion although it was one of those images which just struck me as I walked up the dale.

Thank you !