Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pilsbury Castle

Don't you feel that we walk through the English landscape and take it for granted ?

If you stopped nearly anywhere in the countryside and started to dig the chances are that you will find something of interest whether it be an old coin, a piece of pottery or perhaps something even more exciting. Certainly I've always fancied carrying a metal detector with me on the ancient paths we use. Bearing in mind the thousands of people who have followed these paths there must be no end of items that have been dropped or mislaid over the centuries.

Pilsbury Castle is one of the places I have walked past and hardly given a second glance. The Peak Park have now created a website all about this old site - - and very interesting it is too. You can even download a couple of walks - a four and a half miler from Hartington and a six miler from Longnor. These cost £2 when purchased - nothing when downloaded.

If you're interested in history, the countryside or archaeology then you'll find it worthwhile I hope. I will certainly be following both walks before long.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out this web site. It looks very intereting. I have often wondered why Pilsbury Castle is where it is; it does not appear to dominate the local area nor control an important river crossing. I will study the documents linked to the site and, hopefully, the mystery will be explained.


Unknown said...

It's a pleasure - I hope you find it of interest. Certainly it looks worth it for the walks alone.